Yom Teruah Plans

There is a lot of tradition with Yom Teruah that has been included or changed. One of those things is changing the name to Rosh Hashana.  I think this is confusing because in my search for activities to do for Yom Teruah it talks a lot about the new year celebration when YHWH told us that Nissan would be the first month. Though I do not believe this day to be the new year as in first month, I do believe that it is a celebration of sorts.

I have found that tradition has also stated that Yom Teruah was the sixth day of Creation. This would be when man was created. In my family we celebrate “life” days, which is the celebration when our lives began, before birth. So if this is true, it would cause for celebration. It would also make sense that it would be a day of remembering that YHWH created us and we ARE his people.

23 Adonai said to Moshe, 24 “Tell the people of Isra’el, ‘In the seventh month, the first of the month is to be for you a day of complete rest for remembering, a holy convocation announced with blasts on the shofar.25 Do not do any kind of ordinary work, and bring an offering made by fire to Adonai.’

-Leviticus 23:23-25

Yom Teruah is also the first of three feasts that we observe in Autumn. It also makes sense to me that it didn’t take long before Adam and Havah decided to partake of the tree of good and evil and would need to be atoned for. Yom Teruah is only ten days from Yom Kippur-day of Atonement. Yom Kippur is also the day when the law was given to the people. What better way for us to reflect and teshuvah-repent and return to our Creator :). Without the law we would not know where we sinned right?

Well anywho, since my little ones are young I think it would be a great idea to celebrate “life” day with a cake. I’m thinking of this recipe of a Honey Apple Bundt cake and sub in healthier ingredients, but I haven’t quite decided.

Image result for honey apple bundt cake I’ll let you know.

We will most likely dress up in nice clothes and make crowns as we are children of the most High King. 🙂 And we will probably sing this song quite a few times-“I’m so wonderfully made” by Mr. Donutman. If you never grew up with this guy, he’s like a biblical version of Barney. I really enjoy his songs. Here’s the lyrics to this song.

I’m so wonderfully made. (I am?)
You’re so wonderfully made. (You are!)
God has made us in a special way, And we’re so wonderfully made.

I can blink my eyes (Blink, blink!)
And I can jump so high (Whee!)
‘Cause I’m so wonderfully, You’re so wonderfully, We’re so wonderfully made.

I can clap my hands for you (Clap, clap)
I can sneeze my nose, Ah-choo (AH-CHOO!)
‘Cause I’m so wonderfully, You’re so wonderfully, We’re so wonderfully made.

Even when you could not see me
Before the day that I was born,

I was so wonderfully, You were so wonderfully, We were so wonderfully made.

I can stomp my feet (Stomp, stomp!)
Touch my head, touch my belly, touch the street (Slap, slap!)
‘Cause I’m so wonderfully, You’re so wonderfully, We’re so wonderfully made.

I can shout, “Yahoo!” (YAHOO!)
‘Cause God loves me and you (That’s true!)
‘Cause I’m so wonderfully, You’re so wonderfully, We’re so wonderfully made.

Even when you could not see me
Before the day that I was born,

I was so wonderfully, You were so wonderfully, We were so wonderfully made.

I’m so wonderfully made. You’re so wonderfully made.
God has made us in a special way, And we’re so wonderfully made.
I’m so wonderfully, You’re so wonderfully, We’re so wonderfully, Wonderfully, wonderfully, We’re so wonderfully made. (HOORAY!)

 We will most likely read the Torah portions as well and definitely sound the shofar. Have you seen our craft shofars that actually work? Check it out!


Also I think that one of the important responsibilities as children of YHWH is to take care of the widows and orphans.  My little ones aren’t quite old enough to understand giving of money so I think we will give away our toys and perhaps finger knit some hats or maybe make some sock animals. Although, I really think with a little sewing, these sock lambs are adorable!
sock sheep pattern

Lastly, I think I will do this salt tree experiment with my children.  I will explain that the tree of good of evil seemed ok to Adam and Havah, but the salt (sin) in the water produces more sin, which seperates us from YHWH even if we cannot see it at the moment. They will be able to see it grow until Yom Kippur. I think it will be a good visual of things we need to repent for. Then I will incorporate that into my Yom Kippur lesson.

How about you? What are your plans for Yom Teruah? Do you do anything to make it a day of remembrance and celebration? Let me know in the comments below!

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